Hey all my people. Long time no post huh. I've been bogged down again in the fast churning waters of life again. Can you believe I have let my precious Cityville town, Emerald City, go unattended for over a week...scary right.
Well a few updates, I have finished the second Darklife Short, far behind the schedule that I set for myself; and it will be up in two days time. I'm still working on a cover' trying to get something thats similar to the Never Again, but different also, but nothing to crowded; something simple. I think I've almost got it, let me know what you think.
If I don't get any objections then the cover you see below is the one that I will go with.
Next mini update, the month is almost over. March is upon us and April will be here before we know it. And with the coming of April, also comes the release of Crimson Dawn. I hope all of you are ready.