Monday, January 24, 2011

Netflix is addictive!

If any of you have Netflix and stream movies online and to your tv through one device or another, then you know how easy it is to get lost in watching one movie after another.  Especially on a rare day off when you have promised yourself that you aren't going to do anything but sit in front of the tv and get caught up on all the movies that you have been meaning to watch.

Well, my two lovely daughters and I got caught up and then some.  Guess what guys, there are limits to how much data you can stream before you internet provider calls you up basically ask you, 'What the hell?!'  Now I know that many wireless providers have tiered plans with different download and upload limits, but I had no idea that the high speed service that we have had for years had it's limits.  In 5+ years we have never reached this unknown limit, so hey.

People, my daughters and I (along with a few other family members) reached the one hundred and some odd gig download limit and blew that sucker out of the water by another two hundred gigs!  I was floored.  After going back and looking at my viewed movies on Netflix, I couldn't believe my eyes.  In a months time we watched over three hundred movies and or tv shows!!  How in the HELL!?

I work and my kids are in school so what?!  And then it dawned on me.  For two weeks they were out for Christmas Vacation, then thanks to the snow they were out for another week just a few days after returning to school after the holiday break.  If it was the summer time then they would have been outside riding bikes or what not.  But thanks to the cold and wet weather, and the fact that almost everyone has their own laptop and they all stream movies to them, we watched an ass of movies.

Crimson Dawn Theme Song

A few updates: It's still cold as hell in South Carolina...although hell isnt cold.  My stomach feels like a blender full of crap on INSANE!!  And I'm tired. 

On a brighter note, B. Steady; one half of the queer musical duo, The Lost Bois, and a insanely multi-talented artist, is going to some up with a theme song for Crimson Dawn.  Like many other authors, I listen to music when I write.  I also listen to music when I read, or maybe a song pops into my head at a certain scene that I think will just go great with that scene.  The notion of having a theme song derived from that, and the fact that I wanted a unique way to market my novel.

I discovered The Lost Bois music via Arlan Hamilton's, Your Daily Lesbian Moment blog, one night moseying around the internet when I should have been writing.  I am so glad that I did because those girls are razor.  After checking out their youtube page, I knew that I wanted a B.Steady or Lost Bois original as the theme song for my  novel.  So I took a leap of faith and emailed them back in December.   When a few weeks past with no response, I chalked it up as a no go.  But early last week I got a reply.  YES!!!

So here is my question people.  For those of you who got to read the first draft of Crimson Dawn on wattpad before I took it down, what do you think the song should focus on?  I know what I want, but I want to hear from you.

In the mean time, check out B. Steady singing her original song, Worthy and her and A.O. together singing a cover of Estelle's, Come Over.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Next Darklife Short

Well now that the first Darklife short has successfully reached the reading masses, it's time to get the second one ready.  I am almost finished the first draft of UnSpoken: A Valeria and Irulan Short.

If you've read Never Again, then you know a little about my favorite Sidhe princess, Irulan (yeah I know she's got the same name as Paul's sister from Dune).  Well this story will introduce you all to Valeria Trumaine; Irulan's best friend, roommate, and resident vampire Sentinel/ media darling.  Valeria is actually the main protagonist in Crimson Dawn, so I wanted to make sure the next short introduced her in all her borderline snarky glory.

Valeria is the type of vampire that I would want to be; unapologetic when she fells she's right even if the odds are stacked against her.  Val is unafraid to stand up for the little guy; independent and stubborn and fiercely protective of the people that she loves.  She's also got a bit of a trouble maker streak in her but the trouble is instigated for the right reasons.

I hope to have the story ready by next Friday at the latest.  I'll post when it's up and ready for purchase on Amazon and Goodreads, so be sure to drop by and keep updated!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Never Again: An Irulan Short

Hey people.

I am releasing a series of short stories leading up to the release of Crimson Dawn by Copperhill Media in April.  The first story is available on Amazon for download.  Never Again: An Irulan Short, delves into the past of Irulan, a Sidhe princess who has a major role in the novel.

Well, I sent a copy to Sally Sapphire, the blogger behind the Bibrary Bookslut blog.  She reviews books that have some type of LGBT quality to them.  I will be the first to admit that I was a little apprehensive about sending it, because there is always the fear that your work won't be well received.  Thank God that that was not the case.

I am overly ecstatic about the review that she gave me.  It is glowing to say the least.  To read the review for yourself, please follow the link below.  AFTER you've read the review then head over to Amazon and snag a copy for yourself.

And remember to leave a review of your own on Amazon.  Oh and FYI, not having a Kindle does not mean that you can't download Kindle content.  If you've got a PC, or a smart phone then you have access to Kindle content.  You can also download apps for the PC, Android phones, Ipads, Iphones, and Blackberry's.  Just so you know.

Buy me on Amazon today!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gotta take a pic

Why is it the thought of sitting down in front of a camera and having that little box, or for that matter a phone, or ipod, or anything that is capable of capturing images, freaks me out.  I do not like taking pictures not one little, tiney, tiny bit.

So one could imagine the look on my face when I saw an email from my editor stating the publisher needs a picture of me along with a small biography.  Now the biography part I am totally cool with.  I am going to sit down and whip up something quirky and totally me when I finish typing this post.  But the picture part...I'm like a fish floundering on the shore, gasping for breath trying to figure my way out of the mess I've gotten myself into.  OK that might be a little over-dramatic, but you get the picture.

I've got to take a new picture guys...pray for smiles.