Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Crimson Dawn Exert

Hello all.  As this year winds down, I'm preparing myself for a wonderful 2011.  There are so many things that I want to accomplish this year.  I have plans to buy my first home, release the first of many novels to the public, go to Comic-Con and so many more things.

Right now I am preparing some promotion material for Crimson Dawn; bookmarks, postcards, posters, and nick-nacks that suit Valeria and Irulan's flavor.  (If I can stay away from Netflix and Torchwood)

If you didn't get a chance to check out Crimson Dawn before I took it down from wattpad or have never heard of the wonderful ebook community, then you are in for a treat.  I am going to posting the first chapter here on my blog.  When the novel comes out in April, I will post a short story about Val and Irulan that's set after the events of Crimson Dawn and before events of the sequel, Black Moon Rising.

So, if you would like to read the first chapter of Crimson Dawn then check it out after the break.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

I am writing this post with the full knowledge that my blog isn't that well known yet.  Who know how many people will actually see the post, but for those that do.  I want to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a happy, safe, and blessed holiday season.

Keep your loved ones close to your heart even if you cant be with them.  Look back on loved ones that are no longer with us with fondness not sadness, they wouldn't want us moping during this joyous time of the year.

Be Blessed Everyone!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

First Guest Blog Post!!

Hey people.  I am so thrilled.  My first guest post as author has been posted on's official blog.  It's basically a post telling everyone what motivated me to write Crimson Dawn, my forthcoming debut novel from Copperhill Media.

Please head over and check out the post!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Time is Upon Us

As of today, Christmas is four days away.  Everyones stockings should be hung by their chimneys with care and gifts wrapped and ready to be passed out to loved ones near and far if you haven't already done so.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday.  I pray that everyone has peace and tranquility during this often hectic time of the year.

May God bless and keep you.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Not enough hours

There are not enough hours in the day.  How often do you guys hear or say that yourself?  In the past I haven't been one to utter those eight words very often because the mother to two daughters, I've gotten accustomed to not having time for everything.  But damn!  December has been one big blur and and now I find myself staring down deadlines and trailing so far behind of things that I usually have done by now.

I have sets to build BY TUESDAY for a Christmas program that I do every year at work for my residents.  i have presents to wrap, a big ass tree that I cant even reach the top of the finish decorating and all the lights that I put up outside the house yesterday don't look as full as I thought they would.  I've gotta hang more lights and it's COLD AS A SON OF A B...well. you get the picture.

I'm getting off of the internet and pushing the laptop away from me.  Today I will finish all my real world applications that are screaming for my attention and tomorrow I am all your cyberspace.  On second thought, I need to write.  So tomorrow I write!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

When will stories like this be a thing of the past?

I just opened an email from  What I read was enough to bring tears to my eyes and thankful that i live in the United States, despite the prejudices that LGBT individuals still face in this country.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scene It Anyone?

A little bit of info for everyone out there, I am a total movieholic.  This has morphed into a love of the DVD game Scene It.  I have ten versions of the game including; Twilight (1st version), Movie Deluxe, TV, Warner Bros TV, Marvel, Star Trek, Nickelodeon, Harry Potter (1st version), and a few Disney editions.

The Nick and Disney channel versions are my daughters, but we all enjoys them.  The problem is, it's the only two that I can EVER get anyone to play with me.  I have yet to play at least three of them with anyone other than myself doing party play. Sad I know, but what's a girl to do?

No one wants to play when the odds of beating me are less than never.  So I need a few Scene It buddies so I can play my games.

That was my pout for the day.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My fingers are frozen!!

How sick is it that it's 15 degrees outside right now!  The south isn't supposed to be freezing cold.  We're supposed to be humid and warm and all that jazz.  I just took my youngest daughter to school and EVEN with gloves I can't feel the keyboard under my fingers.  Damn the cold.  I'm a summer baby, I wasn't cut out for this.  I want August back.

Monday, December 13, 2010

And so it begins

And so it begins.  I just read over the publishing contract again.  Each time I read it and the email, it becomes a little more real.  March isn't that far away and there is a lot that I need to get done.  One word pops in my head and repeats itself over and over and over.  Market!!

I have to come up with some awesome marketing ideas and ways to expand the 'awareness of Ronnie' beyond the boarders of wattpad and a the few other writing sites that I frequent.  I have been asked to write a guest blog post for wattpad, which is awesome.  I really do owe a lot to that site.  Nothing motivates me like knowing that people are actually reading and liking my work and my awesome fans on wattpad provided me with that in spades.

So people, I come to this.  Send me your ideas.  Let me know what you think that I should do to spread the word about my forthcoming novel.  Think vampires (yes vampires), faeries, and lots of action.

The top 3 ideas will be incorporated in my book launch party and the brains that come up with the ideas will be treated with themed prize baskets!!  I'll post tomorrow with more details!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Please read my blog!!

I have reached one milestone, obtaining a publishing contract, but that is only the first step.  As my manuscript travels the road from file on my laptop to actual novel, I have to start thinking about the steps I need to take to promote my novel and myself.

I have read tons of  articles about hosting book signings and organizing book launch parties and I have learned one matter how much I read, it's still daunting.

I have so many great ideas but I feel like the unpopular high school kid that plans a party and then the unthinkable happens and no one shows up.  What if I do all this planning and no one shows up to my launch party?  My family and friends say that's the wrong attitude to have and they are right.  But doubts are a part of life right.

As I sit down and begin planning my promotion strategy and working on book trailers, I will remind myself to take a step back and thank the Lord for all that he has blessed me with.  I must believe that he hasn't presented these opportunities to me only to have me fail.  I will work to make my novels a success.

So begins my journey to becoming a published author.  I hope you guys will take this journey with me.  I'll post weekly about the progress of Crimson Dawn and what I am learning along the way.

Peace be with you and thanks for checking me out!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Publishing Contract

Today I'm sitting here at my laptop with millions of butterflies doing the crypt walk in my stomach because I'm still having a hard time believing that I have been offered a publishing contract!! I know right, it still sounds like I'm hearing the words in a funky dream or something. But it's no dream, it's for real.

Well, wish me luck as I begin the path down the road to becoming a published author!! I'll make an active effort to update this blog at least every 3 days or so. So fans start paying attention!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

A whirlwind of ideas

My mind is a whirlwind of ideas. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. I'm working on not one, not two, but four open manuscripts now. A big part of me doesn't need the extra pull of another story vying for my attention, but what can you do.

I thank God for the talents that he has given me. So I don't want to slight any story that wants it's place in the sun. With that said, I want a writing partner. I would love to collab with someone on a faerie story that my mind is cooking up. But I know me, the more work I do on the storyline and background for the characters, the less likely it is that I am going to be willing to share my creations with someone else.

I want a true collaboration, but if no one is game, then I guess I'll justs be working on 5 stories.

Check me out on